The Interisting Animal For Me

Peregrine Falcon At this time, i will tell you about the interisting animal for me is peregrine falcon, as you see in the title. Photograph by KIM NAGY COMMON NAME: Peregrine Falcon SCIENTIFIC NAME: Falco peregrinus TYPE: Birds DIET: Carnivores AVERAGE LIFE SPAN IN THE WILD: Up to 17 years SIZE: Body, 14 to 19 in; wingspan, 3.3 to 3.6 ft WEIGHT: 18.8 to 56.5 oz ABOUT THE PEREGRINE FALCON These falcons are formidable hunters that prey on other birds (and bats) in mid-flight. Peregrines hunt from above and, after sighting their prey, drop into a steep, swift dive that can top 200 miles an hour. Habitat Peregrine falcons are among the world's most common birds of prey and live on all continents except Antarctica. They prefer wide-open spaces, and thrive near coasts where shorebirds are common, but they can be found everywhere from tundra to deserts. Peregrines are even known to live on bridges and ...