Analyze Debate

  Freedom For Women at Night in Saudi Arabia
(Kayla Faisal, Adila Rahmi Kamila, Kaila Zahra Nandika, Putri Karima Bestari)
  1. The life of women in Saudi Arabia is more oppressed than any other country. It doesn't make any sense if  man can go outside at night while women can't
  2. Increase security, do socialization of self defense, police crackdowns,etc to make it safer for everyone to walk or explore at night
  3. Freedom of movement and activity
  1. Dangerous because of high crime rate
  2. Saudi's government is heavily strict upon enforcing the rules of Islam and the government seems to undermine the fact that the condition of the culture in Saudi Arabia which is totally different than those in western countries
My opinion:
I would like to say that although Saudi is different in culture, rules, etc. It shouldn't ban women on the premise of exploring at night in their own neighborhood, although I personally do think that the rules of women's freedom in Saudi should be fitted and customized to the Saudi's culture so that it works for all gender and sides in the argument 

Tax Free Asian Games Ticket
(Hana Alya Fadhila, Alda Gracia Heptana, Zarya Sophia, Raissa Kayana Putri)
Pro: ( Hana, Alda)
  1. Increases the popularity, support for the athletes, and also increases the spirit of support for the Asian Games as a whole 
  2. Tourist that comes from all over the world can watch the games with ease making it possible for them to know Indonesia better 
Con: ( Zarya, Raissa)
  1.      To expensive for the government to pay for the games without taxes 
My opinion:
In my opinion, I would like to say that the government had already done some research on their expenses before doing the Asian Games. So it would not make sense that they will only rely on taxes alone. It would be more eligible for them to actually to cut the tax for the Asian Games ticket to attract more people and bring large sums of profit. The removal of taxes from the ticket can be accommodated by having sponsors and alike for the Asian Games itself.

More Solar Panel Usage in Houses All Over Indonesia 
(Aulia Mutiara,  Irbah, Diani Pratiwi Safitri, Tsana)
Pro: (Aulia, Irbah)
  1. Good for the environment
  2. Renewable energy 
  3. More effecient 
  4. Cheaper
  5. Increases jobs availability in the Solar Panel industry 
Con: (Diani, Tsana)
  1. Expensive 
  2. National budget concern on deficit
My opinion:
   With today's technology advancement especially with batteries.  I would like to say that the use of Solar Panel is very efficient for houses especially when the government is trying to provide electricity in place which are sometimes unreachable such as Papua, Maluku, and other regions in the country. The risk of deficit and government spending could be solved by produce the solar panel inside the country instead of importing them from outside the country. 

The Use of Odd-Even Policy in Jakarta 
(Alitha Zulfa, Debora Rumondang, Fiandra Ratna Kesuma, Tasya Berlian)
Pro: ( Debora, Tasya)
  1. Lower emission level in Jakarta 
  2. Population boom in Jakarta makes it necessary to reduce the amount of vehicles in Jakarta
  3. Promotion to the city's public transportation which increases annual profit for the city 
Con: ( Alitha , Fiandra)
  1. 70% of people in Jakarta agrees that odd - even policy increases traffic
  2. Not effective due to police corruption scandals in police checking 
  3. Will not change traffic because of poor public transportation
My Opinion:
   I would like to say that odd- even policy is good for Jakarta for the long run on it's effort to reduce the amount of pollution and city traffic that has always been the main problem for years. However, I do think that it should be accommodated with good public transportation which is still a main problem in Jakarta where the public transportation has messy schedules, delays, etc. With the opening of Jakarta's MRT getting closer this is actually a great policy to prepare the people of Jakarta to the culture of using public transportation and healthy living.

My Team : Ananda Farhan, Dwikavindra, Raden Aprian, Ajay, Muhammad Ibrahim


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